Friday, June 19, 2009

An Unearned Day Off

Fridays are rest days, and despite the fact that I took Tuesday (kind of) and Wednesday as a rest day... here I am, resting.

I'm realizing that I'm going to do this more than I should... "Gee, the Tri is 3 months away! I can miss a day..." To some extent, that is true. If it were in 2 weeks, I would be a little freaked out, and I don't know that I would have been ready. I would have done it, but I may not have been ready. I KNOW that I will be ready September 20.

Other random developments this week: As I tweeted earlier, ordered a rental wetsuit from They are actually here in the Seattle area, and the guy I talked to on the phone was really nice. They are sending me a couple (2XL john & 3XL full) to try, and I'm sending one back as soon as I try them on. Unfortunately they don't SELL the 3XL because they are so hard to come by, so if I want to buy a used one from them, I have to hope I like the sleeveless.

I've also started telling more people about my blog, figuring that if I'm going to encourage someone to start this who wasn't thinking about it, I need people reading the blog. For people to read the blog, I need people to KNOW about the blog. So I have to step a little out of my comfort zone. As I sit here typing, I realize that I haven't even told my hubby about it... and he's usually in the room when I'm writing. He thinks I'm working. Obviously I work in the evenings once the kid is in bed a little too much.

So tomorrow morning is a lake swim with no wetsuit. Should be FREAKING cold. Thinking I'll wear my bra AND bathing suit, although two underwires doesn't sound great. I may rethink that once I get them on in the morning. This will be my first open water swim in a gazillion years, and I'm almost as nervous that I'll have a panic attack as I am about the swim itself. thinking fins are a good idea. Listening to it pour outside, I'm wondering if this is a good idea at all, but Beaver Lake is small, so RELATIVELY warm, and I'm going to be there with a team. Too bad you can't ACTUALLY freeze your ass off. Then I'd be all set!

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