Monday, June 1, 2009

New Bat Time, Same Bat Channel

Ok, it's been WAY longer than I meant for it to be since the last time I wrote. In the interim, I took three days off of training while DH was out of town and I couldn't figure out how to get in while the kiddo was alseep, had my 1st day back @ pilates since i started training & remembered OTHER muscles that get sore, and the tri moved 2 months.

What is that you say, it moved? Yes, it moved. Someone at the City of Seattle finally looked at staffing and a calendar, and realized they don't have the resources to do this kind of event on July 5th. Duh.

So now it has moved to September 20th. ON the plus side, since I'm so amazingly slow, I have more time to start training. On the down side... I have to spend more time training. My team is working on some modifications & some of the ladies are going to find another event to do over the summer, but I REALLY feel like a women's only event is the best thing for me for my 1st time, and let's face it, I could use the extra practice.

I'm also going to bite the bullet & mention this random blog to my FB friends, hoping to stop hijacking their pages with the current status of my butt hurting, so for those of you who are now checking out my ramblings, welcome.

This will now be at least a 4 1/2 month blog effort, and for anyone who wants to join me in training or on the tri now that we've got more time... the more the merrier!

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